Find the most frequently asked questions regarding our platform, our training sessions and the required equipment. For further questions, please do not hesitate to reach us via our Contact us page.
Yes, it is possible to participate in our programs.
Please contact your franchisee to receive the medical self-evaluation form.
Prior to resuming training, you must consult a doctor or physiotherapist specialized in perineal rehabilitation.
Our programs are offered 365 days a year, rain or shine!
Yes, you can participate in more than one program in the same term.
You can, for instance, take part in Cardio Musculation on Mondays and Plein Air Tonus on Wednesdays.
We’ll be there, rain or shine!
In the event of thunderstorms or unsafe trails, franchisees have the right to cancel training sessions.
A rescheduled session will then automatically be added to your account.
For more details, please contact your franchisee.
Yes, all our workouts take place even on holiday.
To buy safe equipment, visit your franchisee’s boutique:
Cardio-Musculation / Cardio-Vitalité / Cardio-BootCamp / Cardio-Poussette / Plein Air Tonus
Equipment required: Thermal floor mat and elastic band with handles
Cardio-F.I.T./ Cardio-F.I.T. Famille / Cardio-Musculation Express / Cardio-BootCamp Express / Cardio-Jogging
No exercise equipment required
Plein Air Zen
Equipment required: Thermal floor mat
Virtual training
Equipment required: Depending on the program
Equipment required: Nordic walking poles with wrist straps, walking poles or hiking poles.
Quick tip: According to the season, we recommend that you bring a bottle of water, sunglasses, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
For more information, please contact your franchisee.
For safety reasons, we only allow strollers for the following programs: Cardio-Poussette Cardio-Traîneau, Cardio-F.I.T., Cardio-F.I.T. Famille and Cardio-Jogging. A 3 or 4-wheel stroller can be used. We recommend locking the front wheels to facilitate lateral movement. Children must be strapped securely into the stroller. Umbrella strollers and baby carriers are not permitted. We also suggest that babies be fed before or after the workout.
Choose a pair of Nordic walking poles equipped with ergonomic handles and either closed or adjustable wrist straps. Hiking or trekking poles with simple straps are not suitable for this program. Telescopic Nordic walking poles are also not recommended. To determine the right pole length, stand upright, grab the handle and make sure the angle at the elbow is approximately 90 degrees.
No, Cardio Poussette is offered to all. Please note, however, that the use of baby carriers is not permitted.
All payments must be made online with credit cards such as Visa, Visa debit, Mastercard and American Express.
Cash, cheques and Interac transfers are not permitted.
You may terminate your subscription without charge or penalty prior to the start of a session.
If, however, the session has already begun, you may terminate your subscription at any time, but the following charges will apply: 10% of the total membership fee, including subscription fees and training sessions already completed.
Please contact your franchisee directly as some conditions may apply.
In the rare event that a workout is cancelled (e.g. due to extreme weather conditions), your trainer or franchisee will notify you 45 to 60 minutes prior to the scheduled workout.